Effectiveness of ‘Eggplant Water’ for Weight Loss

Eggplant is a vegetable native of Asian countries, contains folic acid, magnesium, potassium, copper in addition to fiber. The eggplant like many other fruits and vegetables, with proper plus balanced consumption, provides great health benefits and also helps eliminate belly fat or reduce weight, which you do not want. Here, we are going to discuss about the effectiveness of ‘Eggplant Water’ for weight loss.


Eggplant is very beneficial for our body, here’s I’m mentioning a list regarding how it benefits us.

Disease Prevention

With vitamin E and anthocyanin, eggplant is an antioxidant that protects us from various kinds of cancers, and heart disease. It lowers cholesterol and improves heart function. It is a great antioxidant to reduce fats so ‘Eggplant Water’ for weight loss is much effective.

Better skin condition and hair

Due to its content of Vitamin A, it promotes slowing down aging process, also improves skin plus hair. It’s also necessary for the proper state of the retina. In case if you suffer a minor burn on the skin you can crush the eggplant and place it on the injury, will definitely get relief.

Aids digestion

Eggplant contains 92% water, however a great diuretic. It regulates intestinal transit. Removes toxins from the body and promote liver function.

Avoid obesity

‘Eggplant Water’ for weight loss is effective source due to its low calorie and other nutrients. It contains no fat and because of this it is advisable to eliminate belly fat. Its high fiber contents provide greater satiety. They are a good option for people with diabetes because they reduce glucose levels in the blood.

How to get Eggplant Water?

This is simple, but must leave the eggplant stand overnight to crush properly.


You need an eggplant, water and a dark color jar.

– Wash an eggplant.

– Let dry and cut into pieces.

– Put them in the jar and cover with water. Let them soak overnight so that the contents remain in the liquid. This ‘Eggplant Water’ for weight loss is helpful.

Note: In case of failure to have a dark jar, you can cover with a cloth or towel dark. For a finishing touch add half a lemon into the water.

How to consume?

We recommend taking a pint of ‘Eggplant Water’ for weight loss may be before lunch and dinner. Do it every day for a full week and then do it once a month.


For some people eating eggplant may not be appropriate, therefore before choosing a diet you should visit a nutrition expert.

Do not forget that if you want to get visible results of’Eggplant Water’ for weight loss, you must take it along with consumption, a daily routine of exercise, at least 30 minutes plus a balanced diet.

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