5 Healthy & vigorous resolutions for the New Year

If you want some healthy & vigorous resolutions for the New Year, need to change unhealthy habits that you incurred in previous year. However,   don’t adopt  them  in this 2016 year. Previous year has ended and it’s time to review everything good and bad that you have done over the past twelve months. Surely you’ll come to the same conclusion as me: good health is the most important thing. Therefore, change unhealthy habits that you incurred throughout 2015. Here I offer a list of good intentions for the year started.

Resolutions for the New Year

More exercise

One of the cornerstones of a healthy and active life is the sport. No matter how old you are, there’s something for every taste and adaptable to all fitness. Make 30 minutes of daily exercise at least three days a week and you will notice the benefits not only your body, but mind also.

To improve your fitness, strengthening your bones, control weight or increase the mobility of your joints. Aggression and stress accumulated during the working day shall be reduced by an inverse proportion to increase your self-esteem and general welfare.

Give up smoking

The beginning of a new year is a perfect time to take a stand and find strength enough to leave the snuff right now. Or would you rather continue smoking and have yellow teeth and hands? Surely not. Furthermore, it is not just a social issue but the aesthetic reason what doctors tell ever is the chances of developing cancer as well as COPD or bronchitis in smokers.

Therefore it is one of the essential purposes to start the year with no smoking. Smoking can also lead to fertility problems in both sexes.

Control your stress

One of the most important resolutions for the New Year is, do not let stress and anxiety overcome you. Undoubtedly, the most important purpose of all and should be ‘the happiness’. Organize your time better, that way your stress will be reduced and you would find time to enjoy things you had forgotten. And do not forget to take a well deserved vacation. Relationships with loved ones improve the physical attractiveness towards healthier life and start each day with renewed energy, self-esteem and ultimately, happiness will be closer. But there are more ways to be happy and make others happy by developing positive attitude. Face every challenge that arises on the way without fear. Live and enjoy the present. Show interest in others, convey support and find a solution together. Helping others can be very rewarding.

Eat better

The obesity and overweight are one of the major epidemics of this century. In your hands and your dishes is the cope. Eating a healthy balanced diet is not synonymous with eating green or tasteless. Furthermore, to spice up your life healthy diet should include that contain four or five fruits and vegetables a day. These foods are light, healthy and rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Have proper nutrition to your age and nutritional needs, especially when you suffer an illness that makes you take extra care. Ah! And do not forget that as important as eating well is to stay well hydrated.

Take care of the environment

As important as taking care of yourself is to take care of your surroundings. Something that directly affects your welfare is your environment. Global warming is not an invention or has come from nowhere. It carries serious health problems for humanity. Therefore, learn to recycle properly, know how to save energy not just for your buck but all mankind, avoid draining the planet’s resources or avoid possible contamination-including noise pollution.

Because nature should not only be sensible but also generous. It has numerous remedies to offer in the form of medicinal plants. Therefore, we expect 2016 to be a little much  greener than 2015.

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